Custom Guards Reviews
From the Feed back I have received from the Customer’s and Forum Jockies on the internet I have come to the conclusion that there is a concern pertaining to the manufacturing process of a mouthguard. After all most individuals come to Python Guards because of graphics but have little understanding as to why we have a different construction procedure. I will list my manufacturing process without going into elaborate detail so that I protect my process over various competitors on the market.
PG=Python Guards (Scott Patterson) O=Other Companies
PG: I am one of the only manufacturers of custom mouth guards that actually uses a mouth guard manufactured by their own company. I train as a fighter and have fought 3 times so I understand what happens during training and during competition.
O: I do not believe or have not ran across a company yet that manufactures guards from the perspective of an actual fighter, I’m sure they ask how they could improve their product but as of right now I don’t know of any that actually step into the ring/cage.
PG: I hand layer every custom mouth guard that comes through the front door from the childrens guards all the way up to the pro guard. This allows me to control thickness so that I do not make a guard that is excessively thick on the inside (roof) of the mouth.
O: Many companies are just placing layers on top of layer until they reach their desired thickness which makes the roof of the mouth very thick. This causes gag reflex and difficulty in breathing.
PG: The frenum (place where lip and gum attach, i.e. piece of skin holding them together) slot is cut very thin so that it minimizes movement in the upper area.
O: Companies on the market are either placing a large concave slot or no slot at all which leads me to believe that the guard isn’t going high enough if they don’t need the slot.
PG: Python Mouth Guards do extend up far enough to protect the root of the tooth but not so far as it rubbs the connecting skin, every persons mouth is different.
O: BEWARE, if anyone states that their guard goes up a certain amount is incorrect because there is no way to generally make a statement like that until the impression is in hand because everyone’s mouth is different.
PG: Python Mouth Guards are rounded off to maximum comfort along the top edge.
O: Some companies are either cutting the process short which leaves a squared off edge instead of a nice rounded edge. All you need to do is look at a photo of a competitors guard and you will see the difference.
PG: In over 3 years of manufacturing custom mouth guards we have only had one guard get replaced for seperation of layers and that was because of material and it was replaced for free.
O: I have heard many stories of remakes from various companies on the market and I do fully understand that plastic can delaminate but this should not occur after 6 months or a year.
PG: We use straight EVA because of the longevity of the material, if requested we can order PolyShok but personally I still choose EVA because it is a harder material.
O: There has been debate over the material PolyShok and it’s competitive edge over standard EVA but from what I have seen their isn’t enough evidence to support any pro’s or con’s over the product so it’s basically a choice of the consumer at this point.
PG: Again everyone’s mouth is completely different so every custom mouth guard is different, meaning some guards have a facial (guard material that is visible) thickness of 3.5mm and others have a facial of 4mm, we do try to go by the Sports Dentistry Association’s guidelines on thickness but sometimes a person can not hold 3.5mm
O: Here we are back to thickness which is one of the most important factors depending on the sport your using it for. Before purchasing a mouthguard ask the provider about the thickness of the guard, if your told it’s a standard thickness then the entire guard is going to be about the same thickness.
PG: Folks, thickness is not the supporting factor in a quality mouth guard nor should it be the most important factor when you’re deciding, the manufacturing process is absolutely the most important factor above all.
PG: There isn’t much study on the topic of your lower bite. We always recommend individuals place their lower bite in place prior to sparring or doing anything because this allows complete alignment of the teeth in it’s natural position plus it allows all the teeth to lock in which reduces the possibility of getting knocked out or receiving a concussion.
You have come to the right place for a Custom Mouth Guard. As a fighter and sports enthusiast I know how it feels to get knocked around and punched in the face. Python Guards takes a realistic approach to manufacturing guards by designing a truly custom fit guard. No other mouth guard manufacturer utilizes our technique and manufacturing process and how do we know this, because we have purchased mouth guards from all of the leading manufacturers. We understand that every mouth is different and that is why you will receive a mouth guard within the specified thickness recommended by the Sports Dentistry Association but not too thick as to inhibit your breathing or to cause a gag reflex issue. We place thickness where you need it the most, the outside of the guard.